Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Health and Safety Assessment

Health and Safety Assessment
Preliminary task

During filming there are many small things that could happen and lead to greater problems such as slips trips and falls, these can occur when you try to film in improper conditions and rush the actor/cameraman. To avoid any injuries we took precautions like making sure we had plenty of time to film and edit the preliminary task so we were in no hurry and didn't have to take any risks or shortcuts this also meant we got a better end result as the actors had very little pressure and when it came to editing we had plenty of time to see what worked and put it together nice and smoothly.

When filming we didn't just have to worry about the actors getting injured we had to make sure the cameraman was not hurt as she had to focus mainly on the camera and the actors, to prevent her from injury we filmed on carpet to reduce the chance of her slipping on something wet and gave her plenty of room during shots so she didn't walk,get hit by doors trip etc.

As we filmed in school we are covered by public liability insurance as the school is a council building.We went to the location we were going to film at to look for any health and safety problems prior to filming .The only health and safety concern we encountered was that the room was messy and that people could easily trip so before filming we had a quick clean up.

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